Elizabeth published her work “Development of tearing instability in a current sheet forming by sheared incompressible flow” in Journal of Plasma Physics

February 21, 2018

Congratulations to Elizabeth for her recent publication in Journal of Plasma Physics of her work “Development of tearing instability in a current sheet forming by sheared incompressible flow”

From the abstract: “Sweet–Parker current sheets in high Lundquist number plasmas are unstable to tearing, suggesting they will not form in physical systems. Understanding magnetic reconnection thus requires study of the stability of a current sheet as it forms. […] Overall, this understanding supports the use of flow-free scalings with slight modifications to study tearing in a forming sheet.”

Link to the paper: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-plasma-physics/article/development-of-tearing-instability-in-a-current-sheet-forming-by-sheared-incompressible-flow/D77772F9A44BB05F801B0495D03E8FBA